Abbie Burgess, lighthouse keeperAug. 1, 1839-June 16, 1892
Abbie Against the Storm: The True Story of a Young Heroine and a Lighthouse by Marcia K. Vaughan, illustrated by
Bill Farnsworth (Beyond Words Publishing, 1999)
Abbie saved the day. And the day after that. And the day after that. This book is a dramatic fictionalized account of the four weeks that seventeen year old Abbie Burgess spent caring for a Maine lighthouse and her family. “Not once in all that time did the lights fail. Not one ship floundered. Not one life was lost.” Amazing.
A special thanks to Bob Trapani, Executive Director,
American Lighthouse Foundation for supplying Abbie Burgess Grant’s birthdate.
William Clark, explorerAug. 1, 1770-Sept. 1, 1838
A Picture Book Biography of Lewis and Clark by
David A. Adler, illustrated by
Ronald Himler (Holiday House, 2003)
The spirit of adventure is captured in this book about Lewis and Clark’s most celebrated journey—the expedition of the West.
Join in online and
Go West Across America with Lewis & Clark! at the National Geographic website.
Discovering Lewis & Clark , an online “hyperhistory in progress” and retrace the steps of these explorers and more.
Meriwether Lewis’ birthday is August 18.
Francis Scott Key, wrote words to U.S. national anthemAug. 1, 1779-Jan. 11, 1843
Francis Scott Key and “The Star Spangled Banner” by Lynea Bowdish, illustrated by Harry Burman (Mondo, 2002)
This book, the story behind the story of the writing of “The Star Spangled Banner,” illustrated with impressionistic paintings simply and vividly accounts Key’s inspiration.
Visit the Smithsonian’s
Star-Spangled Banner National Museum of American History site to learn more.