Oct. 30, 1735-July 4, 1826
Lives of the Presidents: Fame, Shame (and What the Neighbors Thought) by Kathleen Krull, illustrated by Kathryn Hewitt (Harcourt, 1998)
An early riser, this president had the longest life of any in this office. Adams was the 2nd U.S. president, served one term and had a horse named Cleopatra.
Read more about Adams at the WhiteHouse.gov page devoted to him.
Charles Atlas, athlete
Oct. 30, 1892-Dec. 23, 1972
Strong Man: The Story of Charles Atlas by Meghan McCarthy (Knopf, 2007)
Angelo Siciliano was a one-man revolution for fitness. Tired of being a weak and skinny kid, Angelo embarked on a quest for physical health. A trip to a local museum where he saw a statue of Hercules, and a visit to his favorite thinking place, the zoo, where he watched a lion stretch his muscles fueled Siciliano's inspiration. He took a new name to go with his new muscles—Charles Atlas—and was ultimately named “The World’s Most Perfectly Developed Man.” Atlas inspired millions to exercise, eat right and live right.
Print out a copy of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans [PDF Version - 7.8 MB) to learn more about keeping healthy.