Sunday, March 16, 2008

March 16 Birthday: Rosa Bonheur and James Madison

Rosa Bonheur, artist
Mar. 16, 1822-May 25, 1899

Rosa Bonheur by Robyn Montana Turner (Little Brown, reprint, 1993)

With pictures from her life and reproductions of her work illustrating the book, Bonheur’s life and the challenges she faced as a woman artist are explored.

A photo of Bonheur’s work, The Horse Fair, is shown on this page along with a short bio and suggestions for hands-on activities and discussions about the painting.

James Madison, U.S. President
Mar. 16, 1751-June 28, 1836

Lives of the Presidents: Fame, Shame (and What the Neighbors Thought) by Kathleen Krull, illustrated by Kathryn Hewitt (Harcourt, 1998)

The "Father of the Constitution" and smallest of our presidents, Madison was number 4.

Learn more about Madison at The White