Salvador Dali, artist
May 11, 1904-Jan. 23, 1989
Lives of the Artists: Masterpieces and Messes (and What the Neighbors Thought) by Kathleen Krull, illustrated by Kathryn Hewitt (Harcourt, 1995)
A Spanish painter known for his surrealist style is spotlighted in this collective biography.
The Salvador Dali Museum hosts a site with images from the collection.
Harriet Quimby, pilot
May 11, 1875-July 1, 1912
Brave Harriet: The First Woman to Fly the English Channel by Marissa Moss, illustrated by C.F. Payne (Silver Whistle, 2001)
Quimby’s incredible accomplishment was overwhelmed by the press coverage of the sinking of the Titanic. Nonetheless, she made history.
Visit the Harriet Quimby Home Page for photos and more.